customer center
031.413.0624Type and material of product valves
: E-Ball valves, EPDM / N-Ball valves, NBR / T-Ball valves. PTFE S-Ball valves, stainless steel / Z-Cylinder valves, PTFE
Optional equipment
(partial separate manual)
: B-Barrier chamber system / C-Stroke counting
D-Diaphragm monitoring / F-Flange connection PN 10
P-Diaphragm made of modified PTFE / R-Draining system
W-ANSI product ports / Z External controlled
상호 : (주)혜성ㅣ 주소 : 경기도 시흥시 군자천로 9번길 37 (정왕동, 시화공단 2바 1002)